sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2018

Changes to my study programme

First of all, i have to admit that my study programme needs a lot of changes because there are things that are unnecessary and things that are missing. Mostly, here in the EGGP, there's a lack of infrastructure and a lack of quantity of technology devices that contribute to a better study for all of the students that are part of this school (including me).

The actual building isn't enough for around of 700 students that are part of the EGGP, number that will increase due to the addition of a new career that the university will give in this building: Political Sciences.  Considering that next year will be full of people, because this new career will bring 40 more students, and now the building is struggling to give an ideal place to study, to entertain, to relax, to eat; basically, to give people a comfortable place to live. Financially, as a institution, we depend on what INAP (Instituto de Asuntos Públicos) have to spend and the problem is that it is a low amount of money, in comparison to other departments of the university like FEN or FCFM, thus INAP can't afford more technology devices or a better infrastructure.

About the career and their curriculum, it's also pretty disappointing but can be improved. Our curriculum have a bad design and isn't the best way to guarantee that all the students have what the institution wants to all of them when they graduate, mainly due to two things: academic freedom and the curriculum itself and their subjects. Academic freedom makes that teachers can do whatever they want, and this is a double-edged sword because sometimes it can make the learning and the revision of some topics easier to the students in order to teach better, but that's too subjective that teachers understand this as they want and usually it doesn't work!! And, about the subjects, they repeat semester by semester!!! It sounds funny and unrealistic but it's true, and i have confirmed that with older partners that are in 3rd or 4th year (i'm in 2nd). Definitely that wasted time can be used to learn other things that are really important to our career like ethics or interpersonal intelligence.

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