martes, 30 de octubre de 2018

My likes of music.

I really enjoy music!! It's something that you can't live without, and it's awesome how our minds are capable of associate feelings or memories with some especific songs. That's what make music a special thing, a sort of thing that can't be replicated.

The style of music that i love are pop, disco and reggaeton music. That's why i love singing and dance sometimes, because that music styles are just good energy and put you in a celebration mood!!

From pop music, I haven't a favorite artist and, instead, I love so many pop songs!! One i love the most is Calvin Harris and Dua Lipa's "One Kiss", a master piece if you ask me what i think about the song. The beat is fantastic, and Dua Lipa's voice is so so fantastic. Many people think that this song is more from Electro genre than Pop music, but I personally think that's not right!

Resultado de imagen para dua lipa one kiss

Disco music is that type of music that I can share with my parents and with my friends aswell. It's still popular nowadays, and i'm not surprised about that because it's just pure energy!! I don't have favorite artist or favorite song from this style of music. I'm just worried about enjoy every song!

I associate reggaeton songs with many of the experiences i've had in my life. They make me remember some good times i've spent with friends or in parties, and always i've associate this genre with joyfulness and celebration so it's impossible that I' cant be happy listening to reggaeton songs. Aswell as with disco music, I just want to enjoy reggaeton and their songs.

Resultado de imagen para don omar los bandoleros

I will leave you the links from the songs i've mentioned before.

  • Dua Lipa and Calvin Harris "One Kiss":
  • Don Omar and Tego Calderon "Los Bandoleros":

3 comentarios:

  1. you have very good musical tastes, I really like the one kiss song :)

  2. listen to the music of calvin harris is one of the best things you can enjoy in a fist or a sunset on the beach
