martes, 16 de octubre de 2018

The country i'd like to visit

Honestly, I'd like to visit the majority of countries that exist but if I have to choose one especifically it has to be Italy. It's a special country to me because there i can find all the things that i love, like stunning views of the Mediterrean Sea, good wine, great food, lot of history, marvelous architecture ,the landscape from the Apennines or the Alps and gorgeous places like Venice, Amalfi Coast or Rome.
Resultado de imagen para venecia
I don't know many things about this country, but what of the few things i'm aware are the big amount of tourists during the year, as well as the language they speak which is the italian. Actually, the main reason behind the desire to travel to Italy is to confirm if it is a country as awesome as it looks. 

Resultado de imagen para costa amalfitana
Amalfi Coast.
It is a really good question what i would like to do in Italy because i don't know if i will get much money to visit all the important cities and touristic places; there are too many!! (and I'm not considering the extra expenses). But, I think that it's a must to go to Naples and eat the original pizzas, go to Venice and being on board of a gondola and visit the Mediterrean Sea shore, especially the Amalfi Coast.

Personally, i haven't thought about the idea of living there. I just want to know this atractive country and have one of the best experiences of my life (i hope so).

Resultado de imagen para pizza napoli
Pizza from Naples

5 comentarios:

  1. I would like to go also to italy is a very beautiful place with a lot history

  2. Hi Rodrigo!
    Italy looks like a very interesting place to visit, especially because of the food!

  3. Nothing better than a good wine. Italy is a great destination :D

  4. Many people would like to know Italy. It must be very pretty
